Why Drug Test Kids?

Benefits of Psychemedics School Drug Testing Programs

  • Higher Academic Performance

  • Increased Daily Attendance Rates

  • Created a Tangible Deterrent Program

  • Identified Students Needing Intervention

  • Positive Impact on Morale

  • Increased Enrollment

  • Higher Standardized Test Scores

  • Improved Behavior from Students


Adolescent Substance Use: America’s #1 Public Health Problem

  • Drug use increasing, teens think since it's legal in Colorado for adults it's ok for them to use.

  • Frequency of use increasing

  • Potency of use increasing by 20%

  • Teen attitudes on dangers of drugs declining

  • Prescription & designer drugs now the rage.


More Teens using drugs at school – survey finds

60% of high school students and 32% of middle school students say students keep, use or sell drugs on their school grounds.

36% say it’s easy or fairly easy for students to use drugs or smoke without getting caught.

Teens estimate that 17% of classmates use drugs, drink or smoke during the school day.

Almost half of high school students know a student who sells drugs at their school.

More than half of high school students say there’s a place on school grounds or near the school where students go to drink, use drugs or smoke during the school day.


Marijuana Statistics in Colorado